Testimonials from Seniors:
* Your generous sharing of your talent has meant a great deal to me.
Ruthanna- Escondido, CA.
* I believe that the movements have helped me achieve better coordination, balance, and strength.
Pauline- San Marcos, CA.
* Pat is a most excellent instructor of Chair Chi. His perfect timing and clear, interesting directions are a joy to follow.
Dorothy- Fallbrook, CA. 100 years old.
* My feet are more firmly on the ground, thanks to Chair Chi. My breathing and balance are stable and secure. Pat taught us to “center” root our energy to the earth like a tree! His patience for simplifying and adapting to everyone's levels is extraordinary. Chair Chi is a great discipline for older or physically-challenged adults.
Carol- Escondido, CA. 69 years old.
* I am so glad that this Chair Chi class is offered to us. I look forward to attending every Wednesday. I feel it has helped me deal with my arthritis by being able to move around so much better after my spinal surgery. I do enjoy the breathing exercises.
Dottie- Escondido, CA.
* I take Chair Chi from Pat Griffith. Pat is an excellent instructor. What I like about him is that he is not a perfectionist but just wants us to have fun and keep moving. With this method, I have benefited from Chair Chi in several ways: I breathe better, have better posture and balance. I highly recommend Pat's Chair Chi class to all of my friends and to anyone interested in learning better balance, posture, and breathing. And who doesn't like to have fun!!!!
Jane- Escondido, CA. 69 years old.
Testimonials from seminar participants:
Hi Pat,
* I took you class in Lewisburg, tn. On the 24th. I had such a wonderful day. I came back and now my residents are addicted to chi gong. They love it. I have not started teaching the full “dance” yet but they just love the exercises. They are saying how much better they feel. I just love the smiles and comments that I’m hearing. I have not put them in rows yet I have to warn them for a few days before I change something. LOL
Thanks for a wonderful program.
* Have never done anything like this before and I really enjoyed it. This gives me a new direction to go with my residents and I think they will love the variation from a regular exercise class. You are great Pat and very patient. You’re wonderful. I learned a lot of new techniques. I can’t wait to start showing my residents how this can help them.
Susan- San Diego, CA.
* Exactly what I was hoping for! Very clear and concise.
Colleen- Joliet, IL.
*Awesome class! At first I didn’t know what to expect, but I’m truly grateful to have had the opportunity to learn Chair Chi. Everything was explained in detail and to my satisfaction.
Sarah- Goleta, CA.